The End (#365/365)

Well, there you go… 365 illustrations in 365 days. It’s been a pretty crazy year and I am pretty happy to be finished! The project has definitely done what I wanted it to do, in that I have improved my illustrative technique. I wouldn’t say I’ve got heaps better but I definitely have become a lot quicker and more efficient in getting my ideas down.

As of today the site has had 173,700 views and 1,261 followers which is just awesome. I didn’t expect to have my work seen by that many people and I’d like to thank everyone who commented or just popped by to have a look! I’ve also done some pretty crazy series in the past year with Skeleton Headwear being the most prevalent but I’d say my favourite would be the Alien’s are Real series and the Versus series. My favourite all-time illustration would probably be Ferdinand the Bull although I have a tonne more that I really love.

As with everything creative, I also drew some pretty crap illustrations over the past year but I wont mention them here 🙂

What’s next for the Creative Panic you ask? Well, I am going to continue to draw and this blog will become the showcase for some much more detailed and polished illustrations as well as promoting my skills to land some sweet illustration jobs!

Once again, thanks to everyone who visited and commented on the blog and make sure you pop over to The Developed, my new project for 2012.

Ben Hood

The Bayou Bunch (#359/365)

Introducing the Bayou Bunch… that’s all I have to say about that!

Six Panic’s to go… but seeing I’m not very bright I have already begun another year-long project… :: 52 weeks / 52 photographs… check it out and subscribe if you want to receive it in your inbox every week for 52 whole… um, yeah… weeks.

Party Pig (#358/365)

Party Pig parties… hard! Oh yeah! PARTY PIG!

In other news, head over to the Creative House blog and check out an interview I did with them! Thanks to Abinav for inviting me to be featured on his site!

oh and make sure you head on over to my new project, The Developed :: 52 weeks / 52 photographs and subscribe 🙂

Ferdinand the Bull (#357/365)

Who doesn’t love the story of Ferdinand the Bull… although I do remember my Nan reading it to me as a little boy and I always felt sad for Ferdinand because everyone expected something from him that wasn’t “in” him… he just wanted to sit around and smell the flowers.

Be sure to check out my new project for 2012, The Developed :: 52 weeks, 52 photographs.

I love what I wore in the 90s (#354/365)

I really did… and I pretty much wear exactly the same stuff now 🙂

The market day was pretty successful with five prints sold and one traded for some sweet handmade finery from the lovely Jennalyce. I also picked up an awesome owl wall-art from my good friend Emma from Alida Designs.

Make sure you check out my next year long project, The Developed. 52 weeks, 52 photographs.